Skin Care | December 14, 2012

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads

Whiteheads are very common and can be on any skin at any age. Mostly found at nose, cheeks, chin and forehead. They are small white bumps form by collection of dirt, dead skin and sebum blockage in skin pores.
It has a thin layer on its top making it blocked, that’s why the pore is white in appearance. The blackheads have some space for air to contact the dirt with pore, that turns the black appearance of pore unlike whiteheads.


It happens due to following reasons;

  • Dirt
  • Pollution
  • Unhygienic habits
  • Sebum blockage
  • Oil blockage
  • Skin problems

Easy tips

There are natural cures to solve this problem; as follow:

  1. Steaming is best home remedy. It is easy and effective. It unclogs the pore and the dirt and oil gets off from your skin pores quite easily.
  2. Honey when mixed with egg white is very effective cure for this problem.
  3. Cornstarch and vinegar paste is also very helpful remedy.
  4. Rub your skin with a lemon it will get off the whiteheads quickly as lemon is enriched with vitamin C and antibacterial in nature. It will cause severe itchiness but solves the problem.
  5. Drink a lot of water.
  6. Drink fresh juices of fruits that are enriched with Vitamin C, as Vitamin C is very antibacterial in nature and kills the germs and makes skin fresh.
  7. A paste of sandalwood and rose water is very effective.
  8. Add pinch of salt in some milk and then add 1tsp of lemon juice. Apply this paste on your skin. It is best cleansing lotion for skin.

[quote style=”boxed”]The Vitamin C intake is very effective and best cure. Hygienic habits will help you a lot in avoiding skin problems.[/quote]


Natural and effective treatments

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is very effective as it is anti- bacterial and astringent in nature. You will feel itchiness when apply this gel on your skin but it will kill the germs and bacteria and make the pore clean. It is very natural cure to get rid of whiteheads.

Citrus Fruits

Apply lemon juice on your skin or rub your skin with a lemon, it will cause the severe itchiness but remove the whiteheads because of its antibacterial properties.

Apple-Honey Mask

Make a paste of mashed apples and honey, apply this paste on your skin. Let it dry and wash your face with warm water.  The alpha hydroxyl found in apple will dissolve the dead skin and make the pore clean and dirt free. Honey is antibacterial it will kill all the germs that causes skin problems.


It is easy and best home cure. Steaming will unclog the pore and make it dirt and oil free. Boil some water and take steam with your head covered with towel. It will give you wonderful results.

Orange peel Mask

Orange peel paste with water is very effective. Apply this paste on your skin, let the face dry and then wash your face with warm water. The vitamin C of orange peel will make the pore oil free.

Must avoid

  • Avoid touching, squeezing or picking them.
  • Don’t use oil base make up.
  • Avoid excess intake of chocolates, pastries and fried foods.

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