Hair loss is a common problem faced by many men and women. The situation is very worst as young girls and boys are also facing it. Everyone wants beautiful and healthy hair but a few of us know the real problem that our scalp is facing during hair loss. Many of us go for painful expensive surgical treatments. It is very important to know the reasons behind hair loss.
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Reasons of Hair Loss
The reasons of are stated below;
- Poor diet
- Pollution
- Hormonal imbalance
- Stress
- Genetic problem
- Sebum blockage
- Lack of sleep
- Age
- Pregnancy
- Illness and many other factors are involved.
Easy Tips to get healthy hair
- Daily massage your scalp. It will stimulate the blood circulation and make hair follicles active.
- Rub your hairs with henna, it seals the hair cuticle, which strengthen hair shaft at root.
- Some sort of physical activity or game will help relaxing and lowering your stress level. So involve yourself in any physical activity for avoiding hair loss.
- Practice meditation to relax your scalp and preventing hormonal imbalance.
- Apply henna and amla as they are very effective cure.
- Eat healthy and nutritious food. The food enriched with vitamins and proteins are suggested.
- Use soft hair ties to reduce hair stress.
- Cover your head before going outside as dirt particles and pollution makes your hair follicles weak.
To enlarge your hair volume and to prevent hair loss, one has to be very careful about diet and other factors which we discuss here. Hope you will find these tips & treatments very friendly with your scalp.
Treatments to get rid of Hair Loss
Oil Treatment
- Massage the mixture of natural oil, olive oil, coconut and canola oil when it is warm (not too much hot) is very effective remedy for avoiding hair loss.
- Massage of few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base is suggested to get good results.
- Massage your scalp with juice of onion, garlic, or ginger. Leave it overnight. Then go for rinse in morning. It will definitely help in preventing hair fall.
- Daily massage of your scalp, it stimulate the blood circulation in your scalp that will make your hair follicle active.
Green Tea Treatment
- Apply warm green tea (two bags of green tea brewed in one cup of water) and leave it in your scalp for an hour and then rinse off your hairs. Green tea is enriched with antioxidants that help in preventing hair loss.
- Stress also causes the root to hair fall. It is common problem faced by many of us. It is major reason of hair loss. Meditation is suggested for lowering stress level.
- Meditation also help in restoring hormonal imbalance.
Vitamin Intake
Vitamins are essential cure of hair loss.
- Vitamin A: It contains an antioxidant that promote healthy production of sebum in scalp to avoid hair loss.
- Vitamin E: It helps in stimulating blood circulation in scalp and makes hair follicles productive.
- B vitamins: It help in producing melanin which gives hairs a healthy color and stimulate blood circulation.
- Wheat germ, almonds, avocado, coconut, are enriched with vitamin E, which stimulates blood circulation in scalp and makes hair follicles productive.
- One should have right nutrients in diet for preventing hair loss. Poor diet makes hair fall. Pumpkins, mango and carrots are enriched with vitamin A, which promotes sebum in scalp.
- Walnuts and fish are enriched with omega 3 fatty acids, these fats are very essential for absorbing vitamins.
- Amla, guava, citrus fruit and lemon are also suggested for good growth of hair.
- Avoid chemicals products for having strong and healthy hairs.
- Do not brush wet hair. It will damage your hairs and leads to hair breakage which promotes hair fall.
- Avoid hair piece and wigs, they speed up the hair loss by damaging your scalp and hair follicles.
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